I've watched last week's episode of Community, "Remedial Chaos Theory", three times now. While it has been pretty much unanimously voted by The Internet as A Very Cool Thing, what I like most about it isn't necessarily the alternate timeline structure (though obviously that is awesome) but that this episode made clear the point that we're at with all of the characters. "Remedial Chaos Theory" wouldn't make much sense at all if it was one of the first episodes of Community that you'd seen, because each timeline is affected by the person being removed from the situation. And each timeline, even if only the seventh one really happened, reveals so much about the potential each character carries for the rest of the season.
It makes complete sense that the darkest timeline is the one where Troy leaves. Troy is a great stabilizing force for good, and should never be left behind.
So what did we learn? That even though Jeff and Annie have chemistry, they both feel weird about the age difference. That Pierce still struggles with being a horrible person, but occasionally the non-evil part of him wins. That Shirley still struggles with her identity because she is an un-hip mom baker, and thinks that the only way she'll fit in is if she plies everyone with food and disgusting pizza. That Abed is awesome (not so much a lesson as a reminder). That Annie really needs to find a new place and maybe Chezz Trobed is that place. That Britta is a stoner (duh-doy), that Troy is adorable and needs a girlfriend (DUH-DOY), and that Britta and Troy are totally gonna get together as I have been saying they would ever since that episode last season with the acting class I am a genius HUZZAH HUZZAH! And finally, that when Jeff isn't around to be too cool for school, fantastic dance parties happen and everyone is happy. Too cool for school only gets your arm cut off, Jeff. That is really the takeaway lesson here.
The only part of this episode that was blehhhh was Jeff repeating his explanation seven goddamn times. I know a lot of people will agree with me when I say that was unnecessary and really quite annoying, which are two descriptors I don't often (ever) apply to Community. I'm sure the writers thought they had to make sure that people didn't get lost, but those people are idiots, the conceit of the episode was made extremely clear and followed through on perfectly. So, just one minor quibble in the midst of a brilliant 20 minutes of television...NBD.
My favorite timeline, in case you couldn't tell, was the one where Troy and Britta totes fall in love (*in unison* "Who cares?"), but props must be given to the darkest timeline. If you have to ask "Will we see Evil Troy and Evil Abed in the future?", then you have not watched enough Community.
THIS SHOW IS THE BEST. I will try harder to write about it with greater timeliness, but with an episode such as "Remedial Chaos Theory", it really required multiple viewings over multiple days...so Tuesday it is. Next week I PROMISE to do a HIMYM recap, because I believe it's the Slutty Pumpkin episode and I am dying to talk about how that show is steadily returning to top form...it's making me very happy. But try as they might, HIMYM will never be as good as Community. Because Community is just The Best.
Notes & Quotes
"Bathroom, kitchen, who cares"
Abed tries to eat the plant and it is so cute I almost die.
"Chop busted, fellow adult, chop busted"
"I guess I never said it out loud."
"Googly eyes?!?!"
"More like a nervous -"
"Bakedown, I know, I didn't say it on purpose!"
"Your mind went years ago"
OF COURSE Britta falls in love with the sketchy pizza guy. "Wait...there are other timelines?"
"They taste just like regular size pies!"
"Give it, Pierce! It feels fun! ...I demand to be housewarmed!"
"Godless hippie skank"
"Encarta it" - My favorite joke of the night.
Image via Ology.com
Most definitely the best episode of the new season.