
an awesome way to watch TV

Friday, December 30, 2011

My Favorite Things

I have a problem with "Best Of" lists. I'm not very good at ranking things, and the end of the year always brings these lists where one thing is often ranked above or below a different, almost incomparable thing. Why must I decide which is my absolute favorite? I've been watching a lot of Arrested Development lately, as I am wont to do at this time of year, and I love it so much - but I can't say I love it more or less than something else...I have enough love to go around! Television and I have a polyamorous relationship. So here are my favorite shows, moments, people, and things from 2011, in absolutely no particular order.

Parks & Recreation/Community

These two obviously go together, and they obviously go at the top because while I can't choose between them, I can say unequivocally that they are the best comedies on network television and I love them and even if I'm having a terrible day if I come home and hear those theme songs I am immediately transported to my own personal happy place. Never disappointing, always funny, and totally weird, these shows are very very very good and you should definitely all be watching them. Only time will tell if the universe works its magic for good and restores Community to its rightful place while simultaneously mercy-killing 30 Rock. Pop pop! In the meantime, go eat some chicky chicky parm parm with long-ass rice and get your Ron Swanson on.

Dan and Blair (and Chuck?)

I know that it is never to be and that Chuck and Blair are meant to be together, but Dan's love for Blair and the possibility of them boning has kept me watching Gossip Girl even after I stopped reading Richard's Gawker TV recaps. And while Dan and Blair (Dair? Blan?) may never be a couple, that doesn't mean a future plot twist won't involve them knockin' da boots and putting everyone into a tizzy. MAKE IT HAPPEN, writers. Honestly, maybe THEY should all be polyamorous, Chuck and Dan seem to be getting pretty tight with all that talking and bonding they've been doing. Dan got him a DOG and Chuck named that dog MONKEY. That's at least worth a handy during a three-way.


Episodes is great. It is hands-down the best current Showtime show - funny, dry, charming, and dirty, it skewers the Hollywood television industry in an incredibly smart and unexpected way. The acting is great - Matt LeBlanc was rightfully nominated for an Emmy for his work. What is it about? Read here. The new season should be starting soon, I will definitely keep you posted. In the meantime, you can find Season 1 episodes online!


FX Comedies (minus Sunny)

I've been through this before, but FX comedies really took off this year. Season 2 of Louie was even more groundbreaking and gut-busting than the first. Archer continued to be awesome, and finally gained more of an audience and cultural awareness. Wilfred was smart, dark, painfully-funny, and Elijah Wood at his most vulnerable. The League got better and stranger and dirtier and just so, so, so hilarious. I have a non-murder boner for all of these shows, and odds are I have recommended them to you more than once. It's nice that they all have short seasons, so it's easy to catch up. Go catch up!

The Dowager Countess (and pretty much everything on the BBC)

If you are me (and I am), you pretty much can't beat well-acted, spectacularly-costumed period dramas. They are great! Particularly Downton Abbey. The show isn't perfect (I could pretty much do without Bates entirely) but Maggie Smith is and the whole endeavor makes me very, very happy. Add Downton to Luther and Sherlock and Britain & Ireland's Next Top Model (superior in almost every way to ANTM), and the BBC is definitely producing its share of The Best.


Now, Videogum is not a television show, but in 2011 I really discovered it and it quickly became my new favorite website (and Gabe Delahaye my new favorite impossible crush). The writing is fresh and hilarious and while critically they don't always hit the mark, for the most part they are super extra great. The year wouldn't have been the same for me without Videogum, and they definitely deserve a place on my list.

Up All Night (and especially Maya Rudolph)

DIAHMOHNDS! Best new show of the season, IMO. Hard to make a show about a baby that isn't really at all about the baby, but Emily Spivey (who used to write for Parks & Rec) pulls it off with hilarious panache. Give me Maya Rudolph in everything forever, please. And if Will Arnett is in it too, than even better. I'm totally sold and you all should be too.

Well, that's all that's coming to mind - 2011 has been a fantastic year for comedy and as long as 2012 includes plenty more Community, I can only see it getting better. Merry Happy!

Image via Videogum

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