
an awesome way to watch TV

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Discussion Points!

I'm just gonna write a little about some random stuff that is too short to warrant a full post but that I want to muse upon anyway.

Firstly, Charlie Sheen. When I wrote this post way back in October I had no idea that things were going to get as bad as they've gotten with him. However, I agree with some of the complaints that I've been hearing...along the lines of "So it's ok for Charlie Sheen to be violent with women and go on destructive coke-fueled benders but threatening the creator of his shitty show is over the line?" What CBS has done is given terrible, often illegal behavior a pass, finally drawing the line at him saying awful things about Chuck Lorre. I'm not saying the things he said weren't awful. I'm just saying he's done a hell of a lot worse things in just the past year, and it
would've been nice if someone in charge had done something about it before now. In addition, why Charlie Sheen picked now to join Twitter is beyond me, but regardless of whether there are drugs involved in his insane behavior (and I'm fairly sure there are) this is an excellent example of why I don't want to be famous. Seriously - let's teach our kids that this is not an aspirational goal. Is there an opposite of aspirational? Because I think that's Charlie Sheen.

On a lighter note, yesterday I was watching The Daily Show, and came to the brilliant realization that Anderson Cooper is like a real-life Dr. John Carter, if Carter had decided to be a journalist instead of an ER doctor. He'd probably be a lot happier, gayer, less gaunt and more silver fox-y, is all I'm saying. BTW, that picture of Anderson Cooper is also there to mitigate the horror of
Charlie Sheen, whom I decline to post a picture of.

The Oscars! I don't really care about. Yay for Colin Firth. I hate Melissa Leo. James Franco is an adorable stoner. That is all. It makes me sad for the days when I was passionate about almost all the films, instead of just lukewarm. However, the one film I did truly love was The King's Speech, so that was gratifying in a tiny way.

Speaking of Oscar nominees, I'm going to bitch for a minute about Toy Story 3. There is absolutely no way that movie deserved to win Best Animated Picture. I really didn't enjoy the movie, I thought it was way too dark and that the ending didn't make any emotional sense. Seriously, it's just like one terrible thing after the other in that movie, and they all almost DIE in a Titanic-like fashion, and I know that if I were watching it as a kid I would've hated it. As it was, watching it as an adult was painful enough - if this movie wasn't part of a franchise I know it wouldn't have done as well as it did. Last weekend I finally saw How To Train Your Dragon, and DreamWorks hella stepped it up with that one - it was awesome. Miles better than TS3. And I still haven't seen Tangled, but everyone I've talked to says it's a fabulous movie and much better than a depressing end to a franchise. But, you know, that's Hollywood.

Fuck you, Top Chef. Just....fuck you. Dale was totally going to win that whole thing. Additionally, it is ridiculous that they don't have guidelines in place to prevent the sort of cheating that Fatneck Mick is engaged in. Fuck all a y'all.

I may un-Like Glee on Facebook. I'm getting really tired of seeing all their dumb posts telling me why I should be excited about their dumb show.

Raising Hope last night was really bad. The show started off good, but has gradually become far too much like My Name Is Earl for its own good. When you can't even write good material for The Crabman, you know you're going downhill. And is it just me or was there a weird anti-abortion message not-so-subtly hidden in the show last night? I think the real problem is that I don't trust Greg Garcia whatsoever and am always expecting weird Scientology shit to leak in to his shows...exactly like on My Name Is Earl. Oh, and the cutesy tags with pictures of his family make me want to vom. At this point I'm sticking with Raising Hope because the actors can be really funny when given good material...although I hate that baby. That is a creepy, slantwise-looking baby and I don't like to look at her.

Cary Elwes was on Archer last week, and if you're not watching Archer, there's something wrong with you. Go! Now!

There's probably more, floating around in my brain, but I've got to go to work. Talk amongst yourselves! Robot Chicken is about neither a robot nor a chicken: discuss.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't read enough of your blog. It is highly enjoyable, empirically.

    Robot Chicken has always confused me.
