
an awesome way to watch TV

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Save Charlie Sheen - Boycott Two And A Half Men!

Maybe I haven't expressed my disdain for Two And A Half Men on here before. It's a pedantic, sexist, moral vortex of a show that stars a pedantic, sexist, moral vortex of a human being. I can understand why ignorant people watch it, but I really don't understand the awards it's been given over the years. It sucks, basically, but both the show and its star have been given a pass for their repeatedly awful behavior because they make people money.

Charlie Sheen is clearly in need of a serious wake-up call, which he's not going to get when surrounded by enablers who are solely interested in having his warm, famous body available for filming. Someone needs to stand up and put the show on hiatus and get that dude some really, really intensive therapy.

EDIT: The president of the network won't do it, so it's up to us, folks.

You heard it here first: Boycott Two And A Half Men (not that you were watching it anyway, but it's the thought - and emails to CBS - that count) and save Charlie Sheen. As an added bonus, TAAHM will fade from our screens like the sounds of a siren coming to haul your violent, drug-addled naked body from the room with a prostitute that is next to the room where your children are sleeping, yet somehow, you do not get arrested. Enablers.

I like when doing the right thing coincides with doing the right thing for my TV.


  1. "a pedantic, sexist, moral vortex of a show"

    Which is why I love it. Far too much PC rubbish on TV. It is a refreshing change.

    Seriously though.. I wouldn't say it is sexist. It does actually have a number of very powerful female characters (His mother certainly). Charlie is basically treated like an adult baby by the female characters, and his worthless life and that of his brother who lost everything to the alpha female he married and lost everything to are the butt of the joke.

    Yes Charlie uses a certain type of woman like disposable napkins but then these women are also using him for money etc and consider him short term and disposable as well.

    The comedy is about the weaknesses of men. Not the other way around. and yes Charlie sheen in real life is weak and needs help and yes perhaps he should be given help. But then so should Lindsey Lohan and a million other celebs living however they please, with no regard to morality or self destruction.

  2. Uh, Lindsay Lohan was treated in exactly the way that Charlie Sheen needs to be - no one would work with her on a project of any significance until she got clean. Now that she is, I suspect that she'll start getting decent jobs again.

    Charlie Sheen, on the other hand, stars on a sitcom that makes tons of people tons of money. When the hotel incident happened, instead of the people around him saying "you need to get your shit together before you go back to work", they said, "how soon can we get you back on set?" Regardless of the way I feel about Two And A Half Men (and I don't know what "PC" shows you're watching (certainly not The Office or Party Down or HIMYM), but having that as a qualifier does not ingratiate me to you any further as it is complete bullshit in this year, at this time) it can't be ignored that he is trapped in the enabling Hollywood machine, and the only way he's going to escape is if his presence on set ceases to be so valuable. What the show is like (and I stand by my original definition) is mostly irrelevant. Hence, boycott.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree, Lauren. Two and a Half Men is the absolute worst show on TV. HATE IT! It's not at all funny and it serves no point whatsoever. I will make sure to do my part and boycott this show :)

  4. Nice response, Lauren- and not just because I agree that TAAHM is a painful eyesore. I think that your argument really holds steady in your sympathy for the drug addled 'baby.' He does need help, it's evident he's not self-reliant and it's what we're not seeing (enablers) that maintain his ability to persevere down what you so poignantly termed the "moral vortex." P.S. I don't watch any of the shows that you critique (save Community) but I effing love reading your posts on them. They are star quality.

  5. Dustin, it's comments like that that are the reason I write this. Thanks so much! And if there's any show I'd want you to be watching, it's Community. And RuPaul's Drag Race, por supuesto! :)

  6. Amen to ALL Lauren said!! The only problem is I've always hated 2-1/2 Men, so I haven't given it the ratings & my boycott won't count for much. I did use your link to write a complaint(polite, concise & stern) to CBS, so thanks! It's these morons who have made it the #1 show that make a sad statement for the rest of us. Now CS is demanding $3M an episode - almost double the money! He plays a guy whose irresponsible behavior nets him no negative consequences, which is not exactly "acting", then he throws this kind of mega-tantrum at having to take a few weeks off! If he pops up ANYWHERE on my TV I will immediately change the channel. And Paul, you're fooling yourself, if it's not PC, that means, in English, that it's bashing SOMEBODY. Grow up.
