Now for the dramatic equivalent of a rundown.

If you're not watching Fringe, and you like SciFi...why are you not watching Fringe? It's really developed into a great, compelling show after the first part of the first season started off a little weak and slow. Now in its third season, Fringe has found an audience and a pacing and a story that works quite well, in addition to some truly unexpected twists and turns. I'm not going to say anything else here in fear of ruining it for you, but suffice to say it's awesome, entertaining, and sexy. You should really be watching it.

Bonus: Hot Joshua Jackson is Hot.
The Whole Truth
This show is quite an interesting take on the standard courtroom drama; being able to see both sides of a case so clearly does make for compelling television. Rob Morrow and Maura Tierney are a pleasure to watch sparring with each other and it's nice to see Morrow back in a job where he smiles more after years of playing a character on Numb3rs that was pretty closed-off and dour. I think the real challenge this show is going to face is pacing; there is barely time to take a breath during the first half, it all goes by so quickly. My other complaint is that the dramatic reveal of "the whole truth" at the end of the show was not dramatic at all; it was three seconds at the end that did not give the audience time to fully react and integrate those reactions into the previous 41 minutes of the show. I was expecting a CSI-style confession (which, while ridiculous, at least provide some closure and demonstration of how the crime was committed) and instead got a single shot that simply tells me whether the guy is actually guilty or innocent. A little lame and half-hearted, IMO. I don't think this show is going to last for very long, but ABC is marketing it quite agressively so expect it to last for a little while, at least. More Morrow for me, mmmm.
PS: I haven't watched Hawaii Five-O yet. Reactions will be forthcoming, but with all the networks premiering everygoddamnthing in the same week, I've been a little overwhelmed. All in good time.
I came really close to giving up on House last year, but they drew me back in. Now, we've got House and Cuddy being together and trying to figure out what that means. I loved so much about this episode. I thought it was brilliantly written and acted and damn, I never realized just how hot Lisa Edelstein is! I'm going to be really pissed if House keeps up with the "poor pitiful me, I'm a bad choice for a lady with a baby, growl" act, but as long as the writers keep the characters evolving and working together well (and comically) and really try to make the House/Cuddy relationship work, I think this could be the best season yet. I am a fan of really exploring will they/won't they relationships instead of just finding an excuse to separate them once they're finally together, a la Rachel and Joey on Friends. If handled correctly, it can add a lot of depth to a show, and especially if your show is a medical procedural in its seventh season, depth can be a great thing.
Oh, and I loved Wilson in the window. Robert Sean Leonard is hilarious.
The Event
I am reserving final judgment on The Event until at least three episodes in. I'll just say that I was entertained, I like the cast, and I think it could be a really interesting show. However, the writers haven't yet gained my trust, so I'm gonna give it a few weeks and then see where we're at. In the meantime, you should tune in if you've got time - it's entertaining (and Blair Underwood-licious) and then you won't have to catch up when it becomes a pop culture phenomenon.
We're almost done! Full reviews of Raising Hope, Boardwalk Empire, and Bored to Death will be up today or tomorrow, and that's about it. Then I can get back to writing more in-depth analysis, thank god. These recap rundowns take it out of me.
Images via, FringeFanBlog,,,
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