Ok, I know, I KNOW that it is now Wednesday and I promised this post forever ago but hey, sorry I can't be perfect at everything and instead of writing this post I did real-life-adult things like go to a bar and meet someone and then the next night I went to (gasp!) two bars, only one of which was cool and then I spent the next day resting so that I could get my swerve on on Monday. And now I am on the verge of being sick but am double-fisting fluids because damn this guy is hot and kind of looks like young Clint Eastwood crossed with Matthew Mcconaughey and I would like to tap that again right quick alright alright alright. So you're in luck, because this morning I am resting and am hoping to get at least three posts done before work, so here goes!
I really enjoyed "Advanced Gay", but that doesn't mean it didn't have its issues. Queerness has often been the Achille's Heel of my favorite show; it's like they want to be pro-gay but don't really know how to do that and still be funny. I did really enjoy the episode with Britta's lesbian confusion, but other than that the most visible gay character is the Dean, and he has always been presented as more of "pansexual imp" than as a traditional gay man. Which I like! Sexuality is weird and funny, and I do really like that they haven't put Dean Pelton into a stodgy, stereotypical box. There have been some criticisms of this episode that there weren't any "serious" gay characters represented, to which I say, are there any serious characters of any type represented on this show? No. Also, no, there weren't any lesbians, but that's because lesbians have no urgent need for the cleanliness brought about by Hawthorne Pride Wipes - that was the storyline, and it flowed with about as much sense as this show can manage. I also like that Abed, the most rational and least crazy of all, is neither grossed out by gay sex or weirded out by gay dudes (remember when Paul F. Tompkins was on? "I just really really like talking about Farscape" is one of my favorite lines ever. Substitute 'Community' for 'Farscape' and you could put that on my tombstone.). In fact, it's always been a matter of contrast to show the disconnect between Pierce and the others in the group when Pierce calls them all gay all the time. But I didn't think that this episode was Advanced Gay at all...more like Remedial Gay, I'd say. And it wasn't even Pierce's behavior that bothered me - it makes perfect sense that his narcissism and greed would help allow him to move beyond decades of entrenched homophobia, at least superficially - it was Shirley's. The Christian thing gets harder and harder to swallow (remember when her horror story was about THE RAPTURE? How can I relate or even like a character who believes in The Rapture? UGH.), and when she says things like "choose to be gay" or "They may live in defiance of the lord but I'll die before I let a woman touch my hair" it is just plain bothersome. I know it's part of the joke that she believes these stupid things, but I just don't like them being given any credence at all. I hope that one (or both!) of her sons turns out to be gay, and then Malcom Jamal Warner can come on the show and maybe Shirley can actually learn something for a goddamn change.
ANYWAY, Shangela! Weren't we all excited to see Shangela? I would have preferred Manila Luzon or Jujube (damn, Juju is so fine), but Shangela is a great performer and when she's not having to do her own makeup or construct cracktastic outfits, she looks fantastic. You get yours, girl! So yeah, Pierce and Jeff and daddy issues. I actually really liked that they brought Pierce's dad in for one episode and then killed him off. It allowed us to see why Pierce is the way he is and also give him great potential for growth in his character, despite his age. And obviously it also furthered Jeff's daddy issues storyline, which I am absolutely certain will culminate in an episode with a great guest star. Wanna bet who'll play his dad? Sadly, I actually think John Lithgow would have been much better as Jeff's as opposed to Barney's dad, but he can't be both. Alan Alda? That awesome guy from Six Feet Under and The Visitor who I can only think of as Nathaniel Fisher right now? Only time will tell.
PS Britta-as-therapist is such an awesome path for her character to be on. LOVING IT.
Ok, but obviously the best part of the episode was Troy. I have enjoyed the recurring reverse-Good Will Hunting plumber storyline since it began, and I LOVE that it is now being tied in to the air conditioning repair mafia that John Goodman runs. I especially love that what Troy really wants to do is watch TV with his friend. ISN'T THAT WHAT WE ALL WANT? To never have to make another decision, but just to watch TV with Abed and dress up in awesome outfits? (Sidenote: I love how the Inspector Spacetime thread has been carried through all these episodes) I mean, obviously sometime in the future John Goodman will be back and Troy WILL have to make the tough decisions, but for now, I'm glad he's following his heart. Also: Abed being Troy and Troy being Abed? Simply The Best. Also: Donald Glover is amazing I wish I could just watch him being funny and hot all the time and also his Childish Gambino album drops next week, you should all buy it because his music is equally great The End.
Notes & Quotes
"Especially Bruce Vilanche"
"Stop putting gay things in my mouth!"
"Anti-Inspector had a funny mustache and was kinda rape-y"
"I can't believe you guys are all Bears fans!"
"Minorities, Jewesses, and the unseasonably tan"
"Will there always be paninis?"
"I can't feel my pants"
"Our air conditioning system wasn't built for this gay a party!"
AAAAHHH the secret handshake is the best!
"I looked it up on the Why-ke-peed-iah"
"So edible!"
"You're the worst."
"How you livin'?"
Image via TV Guide
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